Wednesday, October 21, 2015

R.R. 10/21

Write a response to Tavi Gevinson's Taylor Swift review in her voice and style.


  1. OMG, I rly liked this review. Being somewhat of a Swifty myself, I totally can appreciate what she's saying. She's super insightful and I mean she still makes some awesome points, but it's still really enjoyable to read. I relate to her A LOT - Back to December was no doubt also my relatable break up song in my awkward middle school years after my three month relationship ended :(. I feel her on being the tween girl that lived through T-swift lyrics. I kinda liked how she did this track by track thing, cause I think she had something different to say about each song. Maybe it was just fun to read because I knew all the songs she was talking about, but either way, LUV'D IT.

    Long live Tavi and T-swift.

  2. OMG, I had to read a music review for my english class. Who even makes an English class all about music? I thought you were supposed to write like papers and sound smart. The review was all Taylor Swift aka bae. The girl who wrote it sounded like she was writing in her diary. BUT IT WAS AWESOME. For once I didn't feel like rolling over and throwing the book off my bed while reading. GO SCHOOL. She was real and talked like we were friends. Much fun, very enjoyable, many relatable jokes.

  3. I can't argue with the fact that Taylor Swift is the absolute QUEEN of pop music, but I knew that before reading this review. What I didn't know- better, what I had never thought about- was how freaking good she is at taking one topic and focusing in on it. Yeah it's kind of annoying that she only sings about her relationships, but Tavi Gevinson argues that Taylor's just singing about her life. And her life happens to center around her relationships, which is totally normal. This review made me feel like Taylor Swift was my own personal bestie, which is exactly what Gevinson aims to do. It made me feel like I actually related to Taylor, even though she's an ultra successful pop star and I can barely manage to finish my school work on time.

  4. This review was amazing and flourished in its track-by-track analysis of Taylor Swift album. Focusing on how the pieces affected her and made her react may seem like a bad choice to some, but I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT. How personably and energetically she writes pulls the reader and does not let go, it makes you want to agree with it. The passion is real and the haterz can never change that and that is what it should be to do an album review. It is more than just some words on paper. It speaks to you and makes you want to fist pump, relate, etc. You have to take what you feel strongly about and go with it, even if it can be turned back on you later. She is very passionate and describes each song how she feels it should be written.

  5. Tavi Gevinson's review of TSwift really got me. Prior to reading it, my perception of Taylor Swift was that she was an obnoxious, annoying girl who couldn't stay with the same guy for over a month. Although, I admit to loving singing the lyrics to her catchy songs along with my friends in the car. But Gevinson's review made me realize that maybe Taylor doesn't suck so much. Maybe she is just another young, angsty girl with a lot of feelings and a genious way of putting them into words. Gevinson made me see that Taylor doesn't act the way she does because that is how she wants to be seen, but instead is actually just trying to be herself.

  6. This gurl Tavi Gevinson was supa cool. She reviewd Taylor Swift, my queen of da world. I completely agreed with everything that she said about bae. Gevinson , much like I would do, praised T-Swizzle. I mean how could you not praise a girl who can be so normal but so famuzz at da same time. Lik literally! Each song review was different in size, but dats okay with me. She said everything that she felt needed to be said about the songs. I was just uber happy that she talked about my favorite person in da world.

  7. OMG. This was the best review of Taylor Swift that I have EVER read. I feel like Tavi Gevinson just really gets me, ya know? And the way she talked like the majority of Taylor's audience? PERFECTION. So much sass! Such a strong tone! I could read her reviews for hours. Like I wish I could be her. If I could write my posts like her, then the world would be awesome!!!!

  8. This review told me only the starting point of what people should know about Tay and her amazing musical talents. If she were to say everything about her and her songs it would literally last forever. I LOVED how she want through all of the best songs from each album to tell people how a Swiftie thinks. Her going in chronological order showed a lot about how she develops as a musician and adapts to then ever changing industry. I really like how excited she was about her favorite artist and see the best parts of each song.

  9. OMG this review had me laughing the entire way through. Of course it had to include an album I have already reviewed in my blog to basically make mine look like a fetus wrote it. Tavi Gevinson is so sarcastic, so witty, and basically just seems like THE number one Swifty fan. Her descriptions are straight on, I can practically hear the albums playing as I read her review. Her inner Swift comes out and you can hear it in her feisty and strong-willed tone. I absolutely loved this review because it makes me want to lay in my bed and listen to her albums forever.

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  11. Some people may say that Tavi Gevinson is too blunt, doesn't articulate well, and needs to work on her academic writing. Those people are freaking wrong and obviously haterz. Gevinson is a perfect mixture of sassy "I'm gonna kick your ass if you think I'm wrong" and brutal truth. Her fan-freaking-tastic review does something most people are too damn afraid to do themselves. Tavi doesn't just review one albums songs. No no no. Tavi reviews multiple of Taylor's albums AND she talks about how amazing Swift is. I think how Gevinson chooses to do a selective track by track of her favorite songs is brilliant despite all the haterz who think she needs to follow the boring, passive aggressive, waste of time reviews that everyone else seems to do.

  12. I'm going to be completely, 100% honest in that I didn't get a chance to read this article. I'm currently drowning in history. HOWEVER, here's my best what-the-hell attempt:

    Gevinson talks about Taylor Swift in a way that is relatable, interesting, and different. She has a lot of good things to say about Swift, and clearly is well-versed in all things T Swiz. She talks about Swift as if a friend, as someone she understands and relates to. However, it appears that she struggle to move past that to talk about the singer to a more 3rd-party individual perspective.

  13. Tavi Gevinson has ultimately become a cross between my spirit animal of wisdom and the ghost of middle school's past in just nine short pages. How she is able to do a track by track of four Taylor Swift albums while continuously slamming her readers with intelligent criticism wrapped in wit, covered in personality, and topped with a cherry of honesty, I do not know. Whether you are the one who worships Taylor Swift or you are the one who enjoys watching the vines of her awkward award show dancing, Tavi's review is worthwhile to read no matter what.

  14. So let me just start out by saying that this review is SO GOOD. It touches on all the things I love about Taylor Swift. The fact that she loves Taylor as much as I do is invigorating. So, the things I like most about this review are the points where she points out all the bad stereotypes people think TS fits into and then challenges them with her own feelings about and the lyrics of Taylor's songs. Tavi is totally on point too when talking about why people should love Taylor and how she can manage to make an experience into its feeling and immerse people in it.

  15. Tavi Gevinson's review of Taylor Swift made me want to go back to my dorm room and listen to all of Taylor Swift's albums on repeat. Tavi didn't care about the haters when she was writing her review, she told everyone how great she thinks Taylor Swift is. Her review praised Taylor Swift like the queen she is but it was also very honest. She talked about how Taylor's voice has improved since her first album and how she has grown as an artist. I liked how Tavi described each song in a way that wasn't academic because it allowed me to connect to it more while I was reading it.

  16. CHARISMATIC!! That's what this album (really just entire artist) review is. In both a good and bad way, this review makes me think of a preteen girl being overly excited. Good in the sense that it is kind of funny and its definitely interesting and some of it is just SO RELATEABLE. Bad in that at times it doesn't really say much. It made me LOL at times but other times it made me cringe a little like when she was talking about picture to burn. Overall though I liked it and I'm probably going to go back to my dorm and jam out to some old Taylor Swift by myself.

  17. Tavi Genvinson's review of Swift breaks down songs to show their deeper meaning in a way that allows those who aren't critics to understand what she's saying. This style isn't just good, IT'S GREAT. Writing in her diction makes it SO EASY for everyone to understand, describing Swift's songs in the vernacular, in a "tweet" kind of way. Something that speaks to Swift's audiences (which are ALL made up of kids and young adults) in a way that they can ALL understand. I LOVE THIS REVIEW SO MUCH <3

  18. Tavi Gevinson's review was SO GREAT. It was whimsical and effervescent in the way she described Taylor Swift. Her words flowed so effortlessly into one another and her adorable quirks made the post enjoyable. Her description of T-Swizzle described how influential she is and how it shaped her own life. There was a spark in her writing and a humor that's hard to replicate.

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    1. OMG, so, this review of Taylor Swift's queenliness is SUPER funny and so interesting and detailed but also like, so entertaining. There is some criticism and also some in-depth discussion of aspects that many critics usually overlook. The track by track layout is GREAT and insightful, and its easy to read and understand. Tavi's discussion of Taylor's relatable style should convince everyone to be a Swifty. LUV this review

  21. I LAHV what Tavi does in here and it's hella relatable and I just CONNECT with that, you know?! Gevi TOTES brings out what we're all thinking during these songs and it FO SHO highlights how #sweet Taylor is. Her crazy and wild tone shows a genuine interest in the album and it brings out the concept of girl POWER and finding strength in a role model, as DOPE as T-Swift.

  22. Tavi Gevinson, girl you rocked this review. TOTES hilarious and definitely relatable. The way you did the track by track was just perf. I agree that it is annoying that she only ever talks about her boy toys and breakups, but I mean what would Taylor Swift if she didn't? I feel like Swizzle is now my bestie for the restie based on your review, job well done Gevinson.
