Friday, November 6, 2015

R.R. 11/6

Katz argues that "Sampling is a rich and complex practice, one that challenges our notions of originality, of borrowing, of craft, and even of composition itself."  While you have already explained how sampling makes you rethink your writing, you have not provided a definition for composition. Please do so now.

Just for fun, let's listen to "Stroke of Genie-us" while we write.


  1. A composition is a piece or writing or art that conveys a point that the author was trying to get across, either explicitly or implicitly. It is something that allows a writer to get an unaltered view of something that they feel passionately about out into the world. So while most people use parts of other works within in their compositions, that work is still its own composition. It took just as much creativity to merge the sample into the work and make it into their own as it did to create the original composition. Earlier in the class we mentioned how each person interprets something in their own way and that is like with compositions. The opinion is a composition, some are better than others and more based around fact, but they still fall under the same word.

  2. Composition is the art of combination. Whether it be musically, lyrically, or in writing. Ideas and sounds can be original, or taken from another source with a spin on it. Some compositions have more originality than others, but nothing can really be 100% original. So much music exists and musicians (as well as writers) cannot be good at their craft without examining previous works of art. Whether consciously or subconsciously, everything we've ever read or listened to affects our writing and music composition in some way. This is why composition is described as simply the art of combining.

  3. Composition is the artistic creation of a piece of work. I believe compositions start as an original, creative idea and are further transformed into this work through the process of editing. In the HTWAM section we read for today, he mentions how he used to think it was necessary to refer to mashups as "compositions." I think this is because compositions are complex and unique, and often contain combinations, despite using elements from other artists.

  4. Composition is creating a new piece of work. That work can be music, writing, art, or pretty much anything. I don't think it has to be all original, either. You can compose a new piece of art by combining many already existing works. It takes skill to tastefully combine two compositions. In "Stroke of Genie-us," the Strokes are combined with Christina to create an entirely new song, which I actually really enjoyed. It took skill to recognize these songs would sound good together, and then to actually use software to combine them.

  5. Composition is merely the art of combining elements together to make a whole. Whether the elements that are being combined are original or borrowed from another source, the artist is composing either way. However, what makes a composition something new, original, and worthwhile is if it adds something new to what already exists. Sampling makes way for great pieces of art, as well as for music that is nothing new than what the original artist put out. Composition does not have to be singularly defined as something that an artist came up with without the aid of any outside sources, but if sampling is utilized, the artist must put some spin or add something to it that makes it uniquely their own.

  6. Composition is the creation of something new. Be it from taking a completely new idea, or mashing up multiple songs, as long as it is a new piece of art. Sampling, hopefully used and utilized correctly, paves the way into the creation of a great piece of music. Any use of other artist's work can be considered composition as long as the music and sampling is added to and has the creative artists' spin on it.

  7. A composition is any piece of art. Granted, art is a broad term, but I think "composition" encompasses anything created by any kind of artist. If an artist is using old compositions to create theirs, they must manipulate them and make them their own in order for the new piece to be considered a composition.

  8. Composition is a work of art created by someone who combines multiple artistic elements. These pieces of art can take many forms be it a writing, song, album, painting, film, etc. The point is many things can fall under the category of art and because there are already so many compositions out there it is difficult for the artist to come up with a composition that is 100% completely original. If you're a writer, there's a good chance that someone else has already written on a similar topic or in a similar form; for painters, maybe you are creating a similar scene as a previous painting but capturing a new essence; if you're a musician, maybe someone else has already used a similar beat in the background of their song. Compositions can be influenced by a previous artist's work as long as the new composition builds on the old and brings it into a new light.

  9. Composition is creating something out of multiple parts and sources, for the purpose of forming something greater in the eyes of the maker. Composition can be applied to writing, music, and even body composition if you wanted to go there. As universal of a concept, composition, or the action of composing, is a focus on the build up of a piece. This includes parts written or created by the author and also pieces borrowed, or dare I say stolen, from other people. It is extremely important to the overall impact that something can have because it changes how the reader or audience reacts to the piece or theme.

  10. Composition is crafting something no one has heard before. It is new, exciting, and unique. It expresses emotion and can be applied to any genre. Compositions can be kept clean and simple or edited and layered to produce a profound sound. Everything is left up to the artists imagination.

  11. Composition is the act of putting several separate pieces together to form one final, complete piece of art- whether it be a song, a visual art, or any kind of other art. The pieces used can be original pieces created by the artist, or can be taken from other pieces of art. The final product is just as original as the individual pieces it uses, as long as it creates a new piece of art in the end.

  12. Composition is the creation of something new and authentic from recycled materials to convey any sort of meaning. It can be any type of art and it is the expression of the artist's inspiration, conveying meaning through its originality.

  13. Composition is the act and the result of creating and being creative. It is an experience that is completely individual and unique to the artist even if he/she collaborates on ideas, pulls inspiration from other sources, or references other compositions. I do not think that composition necessarily has to mean a whole new, completely distinct work of art is created. No matter what the composition appears to be on the surface, every composition will always be unique as a result of each artist that creates a composition having his/her own individual experiences, even if his/her background does not overtly influence the work or not. A composition is more about turning an idea and vision into something more, some final product of expression, that encompasses the artist's intent and purpose for forming.

  14. A composition is a work that is made up of a combination of elements. Each element can be different or similar to each other and when they are all mixed together they create this fusion of elements. These elements by themselves can sound appealing but when you combine them together it takes the work to a whole other level and creates a composition.

  15. Composition is using ones artistic abilities to create a piece of work. A composition can be completely original with no help from other works. Other compositions can pull certain aspects of other works to create new works. Sometimes borrowing pieces from other works can make a new work way better than the original, or it can ruin a work for someone.

  16. A composition is the creation of some new form of art. This is either an original piece or something utilizing other previously created art forms to create something unique. A composition isn't strictly musical, but musically a composition is really an song out there. Each song takes different elements and brings them together to get the desired sound, beat, and feel that the artist wants it to have. Composing music takes a lot of talent and attention to detail to blend the elements together so that the piece is enjoyable to listen to.

  17. First off I would like to apologize for not writing this before 1 a.m at night. It was one of those right before beds "oh shit" kind of moments. But I would describe composition as taking pieces for previously made works and making them unique. If you think about it every single piece of work has some basis in other work so what makes them all different? The thing that makes them different is the way the artist blends everything or what they change to make it more their work. Nothing ever written or produced is completely and hundred percent new so composition is how that piece comes together as whole.

  18. I just now remembered this reading response, so I would also like to apologize for not turning this in on Friday night. It totally slipped my mind for some reason. I think composition is really just something compiled artistically together. This can be in any medium: writing, visual art, music. I think it's just the compilation of creative ideas into one cohesive art object.

  19. Composition is a skill that very few people posses, to take musical notes and turn it into a hit single or a beautiful orchestral performance. Sampling changed that definition to include the talent of utilizing already established music to create a new song or piece. Digital sampling almost gives composition two meanings; the skill to create art from nothing, and the ability to use other people's art to create new art. They utilize completely different skills because one is making something from only what you know and there's the liberty to manipulate every individual note to personalize it. Whereas sampling requires the talent to manipulate someone else's composition and create something new. It requires an understanding of the works being used and the skill to manipulate it in a way that makes a new sound. (I apologize for the lateness of this response.)
