Monday, November 2, 2015

Workshop Questions


·       Is there a clear theme identified?
o   Does the theme seem important for understanding the album?
o   Is the discussion of the theme interesting and important?
o   Does the author spend more time discussing the theme or the music
o   Does the piece feel 

·       Is reading this enjoyable?
o   At any point does it feel too dry, academic, or boring
o   Is the voice consistent?
§  Look at specific points where the voice falters and try some collaborative re-writes.
§  Brainstorm different ways to keep a light tone while dealing with serious topics
·       Alternatively, consider if we as music critics need to take these topics seriously just because academics do. Can we take the arguments seriously but still have fun with language/style.?
·       Alternatively, are there points where music critics need to take things more seriously?

·       What do you get from reading this?
o   Is the analysis interesting?
o   Does the reviewer tell you anything that is not obvious?
o   How does the analysis enrich your listening to the album?


·       Layout
o   Is the blog readable
o   Are images and videos laid out with a clear purpose or do they seem random?
o   Is the layout consistent
§  Paragraph breaks
§  Fonts
§  Colors
§  Image formatting

·       Do Paragraphs work together?     
o   Does each paragraph build from its preceding paragraph and establish a reason for the paragraph afterwards?
o   Might your review benefit from different section headings?
o   Does the introduction establish were the argument is heading or a major theme?
o   Are any of the paragraphs superfluous?

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